ࡱ> ;=:_ bjbjڿڿ 0-b-b000004dddd4d~ 1333333$0W0W00lQQQ 001Q1QQQ9-\ Q0Qt t Qt 0QQWWt B : DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Hunter Huss High School JROTC 1518 Edgefield Avenue Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 704-866-6163 HHHS-AI MEMORANDUM FOR LET-1 Cadets SUBJECT: LET-1 Syllabus 1. Mission. JROTC is a program in character and leadership development. The mission of the JROTC program is, To motivate young people to be better citizens. This course affords cadets the opportunity to develop self discipline, self confidence, personal pride, leadership, and management. The emphasis in JROTC is providing opportunities for self improvement. The extent to which you are successful in achieving these improvements is directly dependent upon your involvement in the program and effort toward meeting the standards. 2. Course Description. LET-1 provides an introduction to the JROTC program. This course teaches beginning level skills in a number of areas with emphasis on citizenship, communications, and leadership principles. In Leadership Lab, emphasis is placed on learning to follow and being an effective team player. You will be assigned as a squad member, and based on your performance in and outside the classroom; you will have an opportunity for promotion to private first class or corporal (top 20%). 3. Course Sequence. A schedule of the current weeks training will be discussed each Monday. In accordance with the Master Training Schedule, the sequence of subjects taught will be as follows: Subject Intro to LET-1 Citizenship - Foundations of Army JROTC * Leadership Theory & Application Leadership Skills* Foundations for Success- Study Skills/Know Yourself Foundations for Success - Conflict Resolution * Leadership Theory & Application- Being a Leader* Foundations for success- Communication Skills* Physical Fitness/Organized Athletics Cadet Challenge ** Leadership Lab */** Physical Training/Organized Athletics run throughout the semester. * Includes a written test. ** Includes a practical (hand-on) test. HHHS-AI SUBJECT: LET-1 Syllabus 4. Course Routine and Classroom Conduct. Leadership Labs will normally be held during part of the class period on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. Physical Training/Organized Athletics will be on Fridays. After uniform issue, in-ranks inspections will be held every Wednesday unless otherwise indicated. Classroom rules are posted in both JROTC classrooms. 5. Participation and Clothing. Cadets are expected to actively participate in JROTC. To be excused from participation in any JROTC activity the cadet must provide a written excuse from parent or doctor. For leadership lab and physical training/organized athletics, cadets are required to wear appropriate clothing and failure to wear appropriate clothing or failure to bring a note indicating illness is not an excuse for nonparticipation. Leadership labs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are best performed in comfortable soft-sole shoes. For physical training/organized athletics and the Cadet Challenge on Fridays, appropriate clothing is shorts or sweats and running shoes. 6. Course Grading. Each reporting period grade is determined as follows: Class Work/ Homework 20% of grade Written Tests/Cadet Portfolio Uniform In-ranks Inspection 60% of grade Leadership Lab Practical Exam* 20% of grade 100% * Includes an evaluation of demonstrated leadership lab skills. Note: Make-up of written test must be coordinated with the instructor within 2 days after returning to school and test make-ups must be completed not later than 3 days after returning to school. Test make-ups are administered during the post test review (class time) or before/ after school. 7. Promotions, Awards and Program Progression. Promotions and awards are based on performance. To be eligible for promotion a cadet must have obtained a minimum C average during the first two grading periods and have missed no more than two uniform inspection without makeup. Upon failing to makeup the second missed uniform wear, the cadet will not be promoted. Furthermore, continuation in the JROTC program is contingent on meeting cadet performance including classroom, lab, and uniform wearing discipline. 8. Final Exams. Final Exams in JROTC are comprised of the same three components as each grading period, i.e. Written (50%), leadership lab (20%) and uniform inspection (30%). The last uniform inspection (wearing) grade will be used for the uniform component of the Final Exam. Exemptions from final exams follow guidelines set forth by ˽ӰԺ. 9. Extra Curricular Activities and Service Projects. Cadets are encouraged to participate in the JROTC extra-curricular teams which may include the Color Guard, Drill Team, and the Rifle Team dependent on cadet interest. Regardless of participation on a team, cadets are also encouraged to participate in the variety of Blue Chip activities offered during the semester. DAVIS, SHANA Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army (Ret) Army Instructor jvx}  & * 1 2 ? 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